direct booking

exclusive advantages

prenota ora al miglior prezzo garantito!
prenota ora al miglior prezzo garantito!
book here at the best price!
There are few guarantees in life. Our best price guarantee is one of those.

Book directly with us and you will have full access to our full range of benefits. Everything will be at your disposal from the moment of booking.

The advantages of direct booking
By booking directly on the site, in addition to ensuring the best available price, you can take advantage of various benefits.
The best rate
Access to personal reserved area
Offers, discounts and exclusive prices
Discount codes reserved for members only
Modify your reservation online
Upgrade to a superior room if available at check in

If you find a lower rate for the same type of hotel, the same type of room and the same booking dates on a non-The Brand Hotel website or on a non-The Brand Hotel mobile application ("Comparative Rate") you can send an email to

book here:
10% discount!


direct booking


oltre 200 recensioni

The best price
Reserved area
Check in online
Exclusive offers
Flexible cancellation
Direct contact
Hotel The Brand - Rome
book now

The discount is based on the third highest current price of the property for rooms with the same booking conditions in a 20-day window around your check-in date (10 days before and 10 days after check-in date; if less than 10 days are between today and the check-in date, we will use the corresponding number of days after the check-in date to result in a 20-day total). To ensure we are making a fair comparison, we always use the same reservation conditions (meal plan, cancellation policy and room type). This means that you get the same room for a lower price compared to other check-in dates at the same time of year.

The discount is based on the third highest current price of the property for rooms with the same booking conditions in a 20-day window around your check-in date (10 days before and 10 days after check-in date; if less than 10 days are between today and the check-in date, we will use the corresponding number of days after the check-in date to result in a 20-day total). To ensure we are making a fair comparison, we always use the same reservation conditions (meal plan, cancellation policy and room type). This means that you get the same room for a lower price compared to other check-in dates at the same time of year.